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  • Writer's pictureAlexandraK.


Máme tu koniec Februára tak vám idem zhrnúť čo sme robili a zažili. Tento mesiac nám rýchlo prešiel pretože sme dovolenkovali od januára na Slovensku, cestovali späť do Anglicka, našla som si novú skin care, ... A aký ste mali tento mesiac vy ? Zažili ste niečo na čo nezabudnete alebo to bol jeden z tých obyčajných klasických mesiacov ?


We have the end of February here, so I'm going to summarize what we did and experienced. This month passed quickly because we had a holiday in Slovakia since January, we traveled back to England, I found a new skin care routine, ... How was this month for you? Have you experienced anything you won't forget or it was one of those ordinary classic months ?

prečítala som prvú E-book

I read the first Ebook

na začiatku mesiaca sme boli na Slovensku a cestovali späť do UK

at the beginning of the month we were in Slovakia and traveled back to the UK

na sviatok Valentíne sme boli na večeri

we were on Valentine's dinner

zúčastnili sme sa prvej "gender reveal" party

we were at first "gender reveal" party

mali sme klasické pracovné a oddychové dni doma, našla som si novú skin-care rutinu a koncom mesiaca bolo krásne počasie tak sme si dali prvú kávu na terase

we had classic working and relax days at home, I have new skin-care routine and the end of the month was beautiful weather so we had our first coffee on the café terrace


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