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  • Writer's pictureAlexandraK.


Druhý deň sme sa vybrali na výlet do okolia. Mali sme v pláne ísť na hrad, ale zistili sme že od novembra je zatvorený pretože nieje sezóna tak sme nakoniec šli na prechádzku ku jazeru a potom sme navštívili malú dedinku Blanchland. Je ozaj maličká ale veľmi sa mi páčila. Našli sme tu aj malý obchodík so suvenírmy a hand made vecami. Ja strašne milujem takéto obchodíky tak sme si na pamiatku museli kúpiť nejaké drobnosti a nakoniec sme si tu dali aj obed a kávu v kaviarni, teda skôr čajovni. Bola útulná a ľudia tu boli veľmi milý. Za mňa to tu bolo krásne a určite odporúčam.


Second day we went on a trip to the surroundings. We planned to go to the castle, but we didn't know that it closed from November, so we went just for a walk to the lake and after we visited the small village Blanchland. Village is really small, but I really liked it. We also found here a small shop with souvenirs and hand made products. I really love such these shops, so we bought something as a souvenir, and also we had here lunch and coffee in a cafe, or rather a tea room. This place was cozy and the people here were very nice. It was beautiful for me and I definitely recommend it.


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